My Nest, My Spot

The place where the magic happens.
My husband often looks at me and says, "work work work always working"
And he's right. I don't take a lot of down time, my hands are always moving. I multi task, so when our family is gathered in the den watching Jeopardy, I am in the old orange upholstered chair, which is the equivalent to Sheldon's 'spot'... no one sits here but me. It's also known as Kate's Nest. I am a lifelong nest builder; where ever I have lived and worked, I have a Nest. Even when I travel, one will form in my hotel room. My Nest is where I beeline when I come home from work. Here is where I do a lot of my Kamala homework.
My customers lately are telling me more and more that they love my clothing selections in the store. A woman will often approach me and ask, "are you the owner?" When I say yes, I can see her energy shift as she gets in that place of trying to explain how much she loves the clothing and Kamala- a deep inhale and smile to begin, and then words flow. Sometimes she is articulate and other times she just sort of gushes. I smile back, often I will give her a big hug and say, "thank you, now I know I am doing my job right." Then I tell her I shop daily...sometimes many hours a day. She will often say thank you to my thank you. That's really humbling, to be thanked for having a store.
From my Nest, with my little dog Sparrow at my feet, curled up in front of the stove, I will bounce between emails, websites that have online catalogs, and social media to keep you all posted for all things Kamala- classes, pictures of outfits, outreach etc.
Today, dresses are on my mind. An often tricky category! Dresses often make one think of dressing up. So the dresses in the closet are 'saved for best.' I know this because I am one of those that thinks like that. And then when I see a woman in a dress, 'just because' she wants to wear one, I think that I need to shift my thinking and wear a dress just because more often. When I do wear a dress, I feel happy. And that is a good goal, to feel happy, don't you think?
So, my eagle eyes are going to scan the horizon more widely to include finding really fabulous, and very wearable dresses....along with all the usual fabulous goods I find for you.
ha. I just wrote 'eagle eyes' and then remembered the title of this article. It was unintentional! But very funny to me.
Love to you during this busy season. Thank you for being great customers! xo, kate
Love this!
I will be wearing one of my Kamala dresses today!
Let me know when you find that perfect LBD (little black dress). I have searched endlessly - to no avail. My ideal LBD would have long sleeves and a ballerina neckline and be completely unstructured and "flowy", below the knee length in a nice fabric that's not too heavy or too flimsy. This dress would be fabulous with all types of jewelry or scarfs or even a vest layered over it. It would be awesome with ballerina flats or boots in the cooler weather.
(Sigh) search continues :)